Because of the growing threat of the armed group ISIS (IS or ISIL), and countries mobilizing themselves for a full blown war to eradicate this evil foe, we will talk more about this particular conflict instead of making it a mix and mash of different world conflicts within one blog. Take the time to watch this particular video that was filmed behind enemy line in Syria and Iraq. Make sure you watch all parts of the documentary!

jeudi 29 janvier 2015

8 Years Later At War Today

Ok, I just noticed that I started and unfortunately stopped blogging on this blog.....8 years ago! A few things have changed worldwide, but can still see that besides Iran and North Korea we have a totally new foe, and I mean that it is the foe of so many nations.

The Islamic State also known as ISIL and ISIS is a barbaric armed group composed of 10 000 to 50 000 fighters active in northern Iraq and Syria, they have been successful is capturing cities and regions.

A coalition headed by the US has been fighting ISIS from the air, but I am pretty sure they will be troops sent on the ground during 2015.

So, I am back and will get more interesting details and facts about what is At War Today!

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